
“your brain is evolving right now” by Gary small/ Gigigi vorgan


“Your brain is evolving right now”


           The article “your brain is evolving right now” by Gary small/ Gigigi vorgan explains how technology is quickly changing our society by how we are existing and how we are interconnecting by making our brains more active than usual. The use of high technology such as computers, smartphones, video games. It helps our brain to simulate a lot of brain cells and able to transform the neurotransmitter release. As   Technology is evaluating, our brains have become more developed. I agree that our brains are becoming stronger and how our brains are performing. By this expansion, the brain is processing rapidly. It great to know that overtime on how our brains becoming solider by knowing cells are developing quickly and how we are thinking.   One of the parts that the author talks about that talks about how television impacts how our brains impending over the past periods. How televisions impact in our lives in the historical periods. As an average person’s brain, it remains to have widespread regular exposures to televisions.  The article by Berkeley from Scientists at the University of California describes that most Americans that spend almost 3 hours every day observing movies.  However, the internet is interchanging most televisions as the principal sources of the brain incentive.  In the article, I agree with the author because most American homes are supported with high-speed internet.  However, I agree that we spend more time on the internet rather than watching television. In our association, we are mostly connected with the internet rather than other technology. It is the most way by connecting through the internet for amusement, political discussions and able to communicate with friends and colleagues.  The article talks about how the internet can change us in many ways such as, through social skills. By understanding through reading facial expression during a dialogue.


girl wearing blue dress while using smartphone
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com



man holding remote control
Photo by JESHOOTS.com on Pexels.com

           One of the interesting points that were given in the article is how the internet is evolving quickly than other technology and how our brains are increasing quickly.  As well, how our brains evolve quickly by gathering information through the internet rather than watching television. Another interesting point that I have found in the article is that how we spend more time on our computers rather than face-to-face communication and it drops almost about thirty minutes. This part was very interesting because it shows how our brains evolve around Technology and how our brains develop information through technology such as the internet. The last interesting point that I found in this article is how many young adults use technology more and spend most of their time using computers. Younger adult’s brain is mostly numerically hardwired from infant days. In the article that was interesting that often at the outflow of neural circuitry that controls one-on-one society skills. Most of the older generation face the world in which their brains. Must adjust to higher technology or they will be overdue from political, social and economic.

boy wearing blue t shirt using black laptop computer in a dim lighted scenario
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

         I agree with their arguments on how our brain is developing throughout technology which helps younger adults able to multitask. In the article by Paul Kearney at Unitec in New Zealand statement that some computer games can help to advance their multitasking skills.  Besides, it can also help to improve their cognitive abilities. Paul defines in the article that if they play games for 8 hours each day it can help them to improve their multitasking skills by two and a half times.  I agree and I disagree with this because multitasking can be a great skill to improve. However, it depends on the situation where they can use it. By disagreeing with what Paul described about multitasking can be hard to do more than multitasking.  The reason for this behind it is because of our brain development in different ways and it can be hard to do two things at once. Furthermore, not many can multitask two things at once.  Another argument that I also agree with that explains video games can improve peripheral vision.  However, the more task we do it can become more efficient. The reason for this being is because it helps our brain to become improved such as metal and attention skills. Besides, these past few centuries our brain evolution becoming stronger than it has become. This technology can help us to develop more information about what we become.  Another argument that I agree with the article that explains how our brains becoming exposed to new technology or how we receive information. However, just like a camera lens does. I agree that our brain is just like a camera lens on how we get information. The reason for this is because of how our eyes trigger the information to our brain. Our brain takes all the information and memories just like how the camera captures an image. Therefore, it shows how our brains can develop quickly and become more evolving.  The last argument that by agreeing is how our brains can capture and develop many things such as falling in love, flossing our teeth and reading a novel. The reason for this is our brain has a synaptic connection site about 1,000,000,000,000,000. It has taken almost a million and billion years. However, it has become more evolving over the past few centuries.


photo of head bust print artwork
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selective focus photo of woman s eye
Photo by Mathias Celis on Pexels.com
woman using smartphone and laptop
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.com









small, G. (2011). Your brain is evolving right now.