
Assigned Reading #1: “Why is google making us stupid” by Nicolas Carr

 “Why is google making us stupid” by Nicolas Carr

The article “why is google making us stupid by Nicolas Carr” Talks about How google changes many people such as students may not read the whole article, however, they will skip through by reading the title at first. In the article,  wolf describes  a study of reading that is sustained by the web and the style that puts “efficiency” and “Immediacy.”(“why is google making us stupid, pg 66 &77).As well, Wolf explains that their capacity may be worsened for all varieties of technology.  The printing press has made an extended system and it works compound in many mutual places when we read online.  Wolf describes in the article when we read online we deliberate to established mere decoder info.  The article talks about how the Internet is becoming a more controlling computing system. This system is becoming the most solid technology. The  Computing system is becoming more like a map, clock and printing press, typewriter,  telephone, and our entertainment. This article talks about how Google is taking control more of human beings such as, giving us more information that we don’t really need such as, by giving us advertising and other information that is not needed. Therefore, it will make us feel more forgetful and not able to receive prob information and instruction.

coffee apple iphone smartphone
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Interesting points

           One of the interesting points that were given in the article is how it is important for us human beings to become more involved with writing and reading. The reason for this matter is because it will help the human brain to become stronger and intellectual instead of reading nonsense information that is given on google. By reading and writing it will help to increase human knowledge and to developed much sturdier. Another interesting point that I have found in the article is how the internet can bring knowledge lower. However, the printing press is much better and different.  The reason for this matter will help the reader to comprehend the writer such as the reader may learn more intellectual words. Many readers who read online may not read the complete article that is given but just to read the title,  contents pages just by avoiding to read the whole article, blog or story.  The last interesting point that I have found in this article is being alone in a quiet place reading will help the reader to find information quicker and easier. Reading deeply will help the reader to become more intellectual and understandable in the content. The Internet has been monitoring us past few centuries  Such as, google has been controlling us what we type in. It has been reprogramming us what we are doing at the exact moment.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

   My opinions  

            I agree with their arguments that google might make us feel stupid. The reason for this is because the Internet has taken over the world and it is designed to become a machine.  The Internet can collect much data and information. The Internet is the fastest system in the world such as it allows us to surf the internet quicker and faster. Therefore, opening links that might not be necessary.  In the article, I agree that many corporations such as Google can collect much information from us by searching in the engine or by google voice.   Corporations just want to adverts much information that may not be necessary.  I believe that they just collect what they hear and see through the internet system.    I  also agree that many people may become forgetful and not able to understand stronger words that are better through readings and writing.    In my opinion, I agree, by reading online it allows me not to have stronger intellectual because I skip and skim through the article instead of reading the whole content.  In google, they just put the link that connects with the word that I have searched.  In my opinion, I agree that most students like me might not read the whole description but just skim and link through one word that I have searched.  I agree with the article because it’s important by writing and reading throughout the article and it will allow me to gain more knowledge that way.  I agree with the argument that was given on page  74. It is better to be in a quiet place by reading deep by learning and understanding the content that is given.   I believe that it is important to gain knowledge by reading information through readings.  Therefore, Google has made us weaker and forgetful and the reason for this is because it is easier and quicker to search online rather than looking through readings.

woman holding newspaper while burning
Photo by Bruno Moretti on Pexels.com



Photo: girl with newspaper fire By Bruno Mortetti on Pexels.com

Photo: Money on laptop Photo by pixabay on Pexels.com

Photo:  Girl typing on google photo by pixabay on pexels.com


Carr, Nicolas. “Why Is Google Making Us Stupid.” The Digital Divide, 2011, pp. 1–366.
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