
Hello, Welcome to my project page. Here you will see many varieties of work that have been worked on for a couple of semesters. I hope you enjoy looking throughout my work. If you have any questions on my project feel free to email me at Mahzadsaeb@gmail.com. You can also leave a comment below this page 🙂

Animate Module- Interactive design 2

Semester 2 Proust- Design thinking 2

Semester 5 Graphic design IV- Cultural institution AGO- Poster

Semester 5- AGO billboard

Semester 5- Marketing campaign- Promotional Posters & campagins

This is the second part of the poster for the Marketing campaign.

Marketing campaign ideas.



Semester 2- Graphic design- Musician Poster

Double page Spread

Semester 3- Photoshop Magazine

Combing many images into one and understanding the meaning of each image. The images are taken by me and it was made through Photoshop. The meaning of this image is that memories always stay with us no matter where you are or who you are with.

Semester 2- Graphic design musician CD cover & vinyl

The image is created in Photoshop using different types of layers.

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