Welcome to the mental health inspiration: these are the designs I have made myself, each quotations represents each design to help many in mental needs. Therefore, it will help those who are suffering and struggling through mental illnesses. Making these design helping children, adults and seniors to be more uplifting and able to express their emotions through each quotations. Able to make a difference in this environment and world we live in.
You are worth it!
Let’s self care and self regulate
You know your worth ❤️
Let’s speak up 🎈
Can’t hold on 🤝🚫. Just trust me you will be fine! 🌈💧
Trust your gut💐⏰🌸. Give yourself to grow
A rainbow always appear after a rough storm ☔️
Never stop believing! 🦄
Healing takes time to process. Don’t force it. It will come gradually. 🌿❤️🩹
Healing takes time and patience.
Healing means “ given all the pain away and it will take time for healing”
Obstacle has different paths but eventually you’ll get there.